Concrete Surface Retarder Products

Concrete Surface Retarder Products

Concrete Surface Retarders and Finishing Aid Products

Concrete Surface Retarder Products From TK Products

A concrete surface retarder for application to freshly placed horizontal concrete surfaces. TK-6000 chemically retards, or delays, the set of the concrete to allow the top layer (known as surface mortar)


Item No.: TK-6000
A concrete surface retarder for application to freshly placed horizontal concrete surfaces. TK-6000 chemically retards, or delays, the set of the concrete to allow the top layer (known as surface mortar) to be removed revealing an attractive exposed aggregate finish.
• Removal of the surface mortar leaves behind the natural aggregate, sands, and stones in the concrete to reveal a decorative aggregate finish.
• The surface is naturally durable with resistance to traffic, weather, and skidding.
• Dries quickly and provides up to 1/4″ depth retardation.
• Reduces costs by eliminating surface preparation necessary for subsequent coatings or methods.
• Safe for use and easy to apply.
• Non-toxic and biodegradable.

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csr-6100 TK-6100 forms a hard film that chemically retards the surface and when washed away reveals an attractive exposed aggregate finish.


Item No.: TK-6100
A water-based, in-form cement set retarder that is applied to vertical concrete surfaces. TK-6100 forms a hard film that chemically retards the surface and when washed away reveals an attractive exposed aggregate finish.
• Removal of the film leaves behind the natural aggregate, sands, and stones in the concrete to reveal a decorative aggregate finish.
• Provides from 1/8” to 3/16” depth retardation.
• Safe for use and easy to apply.
• Does not reduce the life and reuse of the form like standard solvent-based in-form retarders.
• Reduces costs by eliminating surface preparation necessary for subsequent coatings or methods.
• Odor and VOC free.

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The battle over concrete as a multi-purpose material has clearly been won, but designers and customers still wrestle with making buildings look welcoming and appropriate to their settings. Colored finishes, textured surfaces, and stamping may suit some but not all buildings and budgets. TK Surface Retarders may seem to have little to do with LeCorbusier, but they do a spectacular job of settling large buildings into their surroundings while simultaneously improving their function.

Applying TK surface retarder to horizontal surfaces creates an attractive exposed aggregate finish which makes existing surfaces more resistant to traffic, weather and skidding. This pleasantly pebbly surface improves pedestrian and vehicle traction and also eliminates the cost and labor of surface preparation for later coatings. A separate formula, created for vertical surfaces, continues the aggregate look up the walls, creating a warmer, more nature-based look than that of unfaced concrete. TK surface retarders are one more example of how TK helps your new construction become part of the landscape.

Somewhere in the notes of anyone who ever took an architecture course is a scribble about pioneer architect and designer LeCorbusier’s insistence on concrete as an organic building material.  (Often the scribble is followed by a question mark.) In his time, he was fighting for builders’ rights to use an innovative material to address needs for public and private buildings serving people of all stations and classes, not just those of privilege.